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Kaveri Trial Marathon 2014 in Karnataka on September 20-21, 2014

Kaveri Trial Marathon 2014 in Karnataka on September 20-21, 2014

“When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world” — George Washington Carver.

It all started in May 2007, with a bunch of enthusiastic runners telling Runners For Life that we should use our years of experience of conducting fortnightly runs to organize an Ultramarathon. The first in the country. The idea fired the imagination, of course!

Plans were on, full swing. A core group of runners were meeting weekly, to discuss the future of this Ultramarathon. Madhu Avasarala, the man behind the idea commented, “We need a full-fledged training run. One month before the Ultra. In similar trail conditions. Tougher terrain than the Ultra. So it serves as a great training run.”

Jugy, our secret weapon and Lord of the Trails responded, “You should try this trail along the Kaveri that the Hash guys have run on. It’s beautiful.”

And just like that, Kaveri Trail Marathon was born.

The Hash guys got us the first RFL event t-shirt. The white KTM 2007 tee. With sponsorship from Atkins. Runner and designer, Athreya Chidambi came up with the logo – an Egret, since the route went close to the Rangathittu Bird Sanctuary. And we were set!

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