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Surat Night Marathon 2014 in Gujarat on February 23, 2014

Surat Night Marathon 2014 in Gujarat on February 23, 2014

Surat Night Marathon 2014 in Gujarat on February 23, 2014

Surat Night Marathon 2014 is scheduled for 23rd February. A big thank you to all participants, Sponsors, Supporters & volunteers for making the inaugural edition on 23rd February 2013 a huge success. On this historic day over 33,000 people ran and over 5, 00,000 people lined the race route to cheer and celebrate.

On Race day there will be 8 races:

The Marathon (42.195 kms) )Open to anyone above the age of 18years on race day from India or Abroad
The Half Marathon (21.0975 kms) Open to anyone above the age of 18years on race day from India or Abroad
10K (10kms) Open to anyone above the age of 18years on race day from India or Abroad
Surti Lala Masti Run (5kms) A fun run to celebrate the spirit of the city and open to anyone above the age of 12 yrs.
Themed Costume Run (5kms) Part of the Surti Lala Masti Run. Theme to be announced. Open to anyone above the age of 12 Yrs.
Spirit of Surat Run (1KM) For the Physically Challenged. By Invitation Only
Corporate Relay Open to all companies operating in Surat. A team of 10 people will complete the Marathon distance of 42.195 kms with each participant running 4.21 kms.
Senior Citizens run (2.5 kms) open to everyone above the age of 60 years on race day.
On Race Day, unlike any other celebration 60,000 people are expected to run across Surat. The atmosphere will be festive with participation from all communities of Surat. Many Celebrities are expected to be a part of this celebration. There will also be several performances at the venue and race route.

Registration Fees:

Full Marathon – Rs.1250/-
Full Marathon : USD 25
Half Marathon – 21 kms Half Marathon – Rs.950/-
Surti Lala Masti Run (5kms) – Rs.400/-
10 kms Run – Rs.750/-
Half Marathon : USD Payment
21kms Half Marathon (Country other than India) – USD 17
10k Run : USD Payment
10 kms Run (Country other than India) – USD 13

Registration URL:
Website URL:
Facebook Page:

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