The 9th Global IP Convention (GIPC 2017) is being held from January 11-13, 2017 in New Delhi.
About GIPC 2017
GIPC 2017, in its eighth year, is an annual meeting platform for Board-level IP managers, IP regulators and policy makers, as well as IP experts, litigators, investors and their advisers in a dialogue designed to discuss best practices and solutions to enhance IP management strategies.
GIPC 2017 will focus on ‘Innovation & Technology as Key Drivers for Global Competitiveness’.
Why should you attend?
GIPC is the India’s biggest IPR event attended by senior IP business decision makers. It’s attended by In-house IP Professionals, attorneys of law firms from India and abroad, IP owners, inventors, researchers, marketing professionals and government officials.
GIPC 2017 shall offer firsthand learning experience from industry experts, who will share practical knowledge about current and substantive IP issues.
What would be discussed?
Discussions will be held on various IP related contemporary issues such as –
Patent Filings & Prosecution in different jurisdictions
IP Management and its essentiality for value optimisation
Contentious issues on International Convention and TRIPs
Role of IP for International Trade and Foreign Investment
Technology Transfer & Licensing – Case studies of Technology Tranfer Offices
Copyright issues in Media & Entertainment Industry
Protection of GI and Community Rights
Trademark Registration and essential issues under different jurisdiction
Trade Secret and Confidentiality of Data
Patent Litigation on Pharmaceuticals
Why register today?
GIPC 2017 is being attended by more than 600 IP professionals representing various industries, and top IP / Law Firms from more than 50 countries such as USA, Germany, Switzerland, UK, Netherlands, South Africa, China, Japan, Korea, as well as India.
We believe GIPC 2017 will be an excellent knowledge sharing platform and networking experience for you whereby you will get to meet your colleagues and counterparts from different parts of the world.
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