Big Data Tech Conclave Conference in Bangalore from December 6-7, 2013


Sheraton Bangalore Hotel
26/1 Dr. Rajkumar Road,
Bangalore, Karnataka 560055

Start Date: December 6, 2013
End Date: December 7, 2013

The Big Data Tech Conclave Winter Edition will be an ideal forum to discuss the way forward in addressing the key issues, and we look forward to see you on board an actively share, benchmark and discuss the emerging technologies, tools and challenges and identify the immense opportunities available in Big Data for you and your organization.

Big Data Tech Conclave Conference in Bangalore from December 6-7, 2013

The winter edition will feature presentations, workshops, case studies and key insights into Algorithms and Machine Learning, Analytic Insights, Architectural Patterns, Data Management, Design/Interface and Visualization, Enterprise IT, Testing, Privacy, Compliance and Governance.

Key emphasis will be provided in areas such as parallel computing innovations in Big Data, Harnessing and inferencing the Semantic Web, SQL on Haddoop and blending the traditional RDBMS and NOSQL databases with a special focus on workshops around some key tools / technologies in this space such as Impala, Parallel Computing with R, Stinger, Spark/Shark, Gehi, Drill, Apache Mahout and SparQL.

Contact: Prasanna Arumugam – +91-7829047555
Website URL: