Chennai Retail Summit 2014 on July 31, 2014

Chennai Retail Summit 2014 on July 31, 2014

The election results have created political stability. Indian Retail now needs policy direction. For retailers, the expected speed of implementation of policies relating to GST and the new government’s focus on infrastructure and tourism could be a structural ‘take-off’ point; even as the el-nino and Iraq factors bear watching as potential spoilers of consumer confidence and therefore retail spend.

The traditional answer to the question: “Where will the next wave of growth come from” is most usually a combination of – Consumer, Capital or Technology. But these are external and (usually) uncontrollable. Internal stimulus for growth comes from identifying and adopting new approaches to doing business new ‘twists’ on the concepts of Collaboration, Cooperation and Inclusivity. This is the theme of the Chennai Retail Summit 2014.

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A. Christopher – +918015222646 –
Raghavendra Majji – +91 9742402666 –

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