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droidcon India at Chennai – 2019

Droidcon is the largest global network of developer conferences which bring together the industry’s foremost experts dedicated to advancing the Android platform. Droidcon engages a global network of over 25,000 developers attending our events in 22 cities. Our first droidcon conference was held in 2009 in Berlin and since then it has spread its influence across the globe and has established itself as the world’s foremost community-driven conference format. Droidcon is the place to meet the international Android community, learn from expert speakers and dive into the latest Android advances and explore cutting edge technologies.

droidcon India

droidcon India has been on a hiatus for the past 3 years (the last one happened in 2016). We noticed the android development community hungry for the conference to be back and here we are! A new team of developers and android fanatics coming together to bring the event back to India!

This year, droidcon India is happening in Chennai. Be sure to grab your seats for an exciting two-day conference full of Android.

Venue Location

We have decided to have a change in venue this year. It will happen in Chennai, Tamilnadu this time. It is a wonderful place to visit and is full of culture and nice people. If you are not from Chennai, you should definitely visit the place just to enjoy the hospitality it has 🙂 If you are from Chennai, you have got no excuses!

What to expect

droidcon is known across the globe for being THE conference for Android. We plan to retain the same in India too. This year’s droidcon India at Chennai is going to be one of the largest conferences to happen in India for the mobile development space.

The conference will feature,

40+ technical Android talks (Introductory to Advanced levels)
Workshops! (You don't have to pay extra to attend workshops)
Best-in-class speakers from Android teams from India
Renowned speakers from all over the world!

Having said that, this conference will also have a lot of fun stuff and the thing that we all love the most – Networking! You will get face-to-face time with leading technology enthusiasts, speakers of the conference from India and abroad, companies that are looking to hire and the companies who want to showcase the cool stuff they made to make lives easier!

All this and more! Be sure to follow our social media handles to be updated on what’s going on with the event.

You can always contact us at in case you have queries! We are there to help you figure out!

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