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ICERECT 12 – Internation Conf. on Emerging Research in Electronics in Karnataka on 21-22 December, 2012

ICERECT 12 – Internation Conf. on Emerging Research in Electronics in Karnataka on 21-22 December, 2012

Venue :

P.E.S.College Of Engineering,
P E S C E Campus,
Mandya – 571 401, Karnataka, INDIA.

Start Date : 21st December 2012
End Date : 22nd December 2012

The “1st International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology” (ICERECT-12) aims to provide a platform (an outstanding opportunity) for academicians, industry researchers and PG students to exchange and share their experiences and research results in various topics of electronics, computer science and engineering and information technology, and also to discuss the practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted.

ICERECT 12 - Internation Conf. on Emerging Research in Electronics in Karnataka

The conference will provide a leading forum for sharing the original research contributions and practical development experiences among researchers and application developers. The conference will feature invited talks and referred paper presentations. Eminent speakers from Academic Institutions as well as Renowned Specialists and Domain Experts from leading Software Industries / Organizations will deliver special lectures on the mentioned field.

Important Dates :

Submission of full length paper (on/before) – 5 October 2012
Notification of paper acceptance – 10 October 2012
Receiving camera ready paper and registration – 30 October 2012
Conference dates – 21-22, December 2012

Contact  :

E-mail :
Phone : +91 8232 220043
Fax :  +91 8232 222075

Complete Registration With Fee Details :
Website URL :

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