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Inaugural Peace Leadership Conference in India from February 17-19, 2017

Inaugural Peace Leadership Conference in India from February 17-19, 2017

Inaugural Peace Leadership Conference–India created by the Deeper Leadership Institute (DLI) in partnership with the International Leadership Association (ILA) to bring together global peace practitioners, academicians, educators, and other interested parties in the broad area of peace leadership. Experience fellowship, collaboration and connection!

NOTE: This experience is limited to 125 participants so please register early to ensure a successful registration.



Richard Barrett, Chairman and Founder of Barrett Values Centre
Susan Taylor, Managing Director, Generon International
Ram Nidumolu is the Managing Director of the Academy for Innovation and Management in Bengaluru
Philip M. Hellmich, Director of Peace, The Shift Network
Sandra de Castro Buffington, Founding Director of the Global Media Center for Social Impact at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health
Meena Wilson, Executive Director, Genpact Centre for Women’s Leadership, Ashoka University, formerly with CCL (Center for Creative Leadership)
Cliff Kayser, VP of Mastery and Coaching Programs and owner/partner of Polarity Partnerships, LLC
Nick Ross, Director at A Different Drum
Anil Grovor, Founder & CEO, Conscious Interaction, India
Suresh Sharma, Mamaji, Human rights activist on the forefront of the movement to improve patient care and the healthcare system.
Sally Breyley Parker, Co-Founder, Time Zero and proponent of biomimicry


Katia Petersen, Executive Director of Education at Institute Of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
Allison Conte, Founder Sophia Leadership, Reclaiming the Power of the Feminine
Lodging is included in the conference registration fee. However, for your reference, the information is included here: The conference site is the: Temple for Human Unity for Peace at the Aurovalley Ashram Rishidwar Pilgrimage Place Ashram, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 249205, India

The nearest airport is Dehradun, and the nearest cities are Haridwar and Rishikesh. You can fly into New Delhi airport and then either take a connecting flight to Dehradun or take a 6-hour taxi ride directly to the conference site. The taxi can be arranged by Aurovalley through the information provided in the paragraph directly above. NOTE: Taxi riding in India is not for the faint of heart.


EARLY BIRD: $299 USD includes*:

Conference registration
Maximum of 3 nights room (double occupancy only and you will be randomly assigned)
All meals at conference site (simple Indian food that is suitable for foreigners) Unlimited filtered water
Meditation twice a day and yoga once a day
*After November 01, 2016, the conference price is $399 USD.


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