St. Francis Model United Nations 2016 in Hyderabad from March 4-6, 2016

St. Francis Model United Nations 2016 in Hyderabad from March 4-6, 2016

With itโ€™s edition of an Intra college MUN being a grand success, St. Francis College for Women brings to you a grand, open-to-public MUN.

Working towards IGNITE is one of the main aims of SFCMUN โ€™16. It is an initiative taken up by the SMILE (Social Management Initiative for Life Enrichment) Club at St Francis College,Hyderabad, to educate 2 orphan girls from Kindergarten to Post Graduation. The main motto of this initiative is to ignite the thirst of gaining knowledge in the girls who are deprived of it by aiding them with financial support, as education is something which makes the person self sufficient and capable enough to help others in future.

We have taken up the initiative of hosting a Model United Nations Conference since it aligns with our vision of philanthropy through education and sustainance.

Shwetha Anand โ€“ +91-8978854019
Inas Inayath โ€“ +91-9703733400

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