TEDxIGDTU in New Delhi on January 22, 2017

TEDxIGDTU in New Delhi on January 22, 2017

TEDxIGDTU is a TEDx conference (x=independently organised TED event) being held on the 22nd of January, 2017 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.

There will always be things that are wildly disparate, ostensibly irreconcilable, or even seemingly at loggerheads. Political ideologies that just donโ€™t gel, fields of interest with no overlap, or even just flavours that canโ€™t please the palate together. We asked ourselves if we could bring such things together, the need for doing so, and the consequent proliferation of possibilities. Wondrous creations and ideas stand at the unlikeliest of intersections! Join us in our exploration of and attempt at bridging gaps in fields like music, art, society, politics, and science; the within and the without; the infinitesimal and the infinite.

Website URL: http://www.tedxigdtu.com/