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TEDxSecunderabad in Hyderabad on October 3, 2015

TEDxSecunderabad is a local, independently organized TEDx event in Hyderabad, India. that strives to re-create the unique experience found at TED. At its core, the fundamental goal is to foster “ideas worth spreading”.

The aim of TEDxSecunderabad is to provide a platform where thinkers, innovators and change-makers come together to share breakthrough ideas towards creating a better future for the community, city, nation & region. The objective of these TEDTalks is to provoke thought and trigger dialogue.

The TEDxSecunderabad Organizing Crew is a collective of people who are deeply concerned about what happens in this community, city, nation & region. For this edition of TEDxSecunderabad, we have invited extraordinary individuals who are breaking new ground and are addressing emerging issues common across the South Asia region.

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