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Test-Ed Conference on Testing by Testers at Bangalore on Dec 5, 2012

Test-Ed Conference on Testing by Testers at Bangalore on Dec 5, 2012

Venue :

MLR Convention Center White Field,
Dyvasandra Industrial Layout, Mahadevapura
Bangalore, Karnataka

Date: December 5, 2012
Start Time: 9:00 AM End Time: 5:00 PM

Test-Ed Conference on Testing by Testers at Bangalore on Dec 5, 2012

Yo! Indian testers. It is coming alive. A day that you meet testers who share your passion, share the difficulty you are going through, know answers to questions you are pondering over, give a good listening ear to you, remember you after the conference, write to you seeking help, help you get a job, expand your network and much more. Our goal is that an entry level tester of any company should be able to afford this. Our goal is that a student and wanna-be tester should be able to afford this.

Language : English
Genre :Seminar
Workshop Length :8 hrs
Note :The event will start and end on time. Please be on time.

Entry Fee:

The price of Rs. 500 is exclusive of service taxes applicable.
Service tax of 12.36% is applicable.

Event Registration URL : 

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