Master Orator Championship 2016 in Hyderabad from July 16-17, 2016
About Master Orator Championship
Master Orator Championship is a hunt for the best orator in the college circuit of the two states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. The students are sieved through multiple rounds of selection starting from qualifiers to the finale where 10 contestants from across colleges deliver 5 to 7 minute speeches that are mentored and evaluated by a panel of experienced Toastmasters.
Millions of students churned out from colleges every year are not entirely equipped to face the global competition prevailing today in terms of communicative competence. To cater to this need, Master Orator Championship attempts to cultivate and nurture their thirst to excel in oratory skills.
MOC is open to all students with a valid college ID and an enrolment number between the age groups of 18 to 24 years.
Why Should you register?
This contest of MOC will provide you a unique platform to showcase your oratory skills in front of the world.
Apart from this, you get to meet with several Toastmasters, who constantly put an effort to improve their communication and leadership skills, and build your own network across the Toastmasters community of AP and Telangana, and beyond your college community.
So enroll yourself for this Championship contest at the earliest and show your oration skills to the world, if you feel that:-
You have the perfect combination of exciting speech content with superb delivery and style
You can articulate, engage and smoothly deliver at both a vocal and physical level
You have that right spark in yourself to make it big in your life, without worrying about the contest result.
Come forward to enjoy and make these moments of your life as one of the most memorable ones.
For Winner:
a. The title โMaster Orator Champion โ 2016โ.
b. Trophy and Certificate
c. An opportunity to showcase and speak in front of an international audience(s) at the Annual Toastmasters District Conference in Asia (outside India).
d. A fully paid return air fare along with accommodationto the above District Conference
e. Host of other goodies
For First Runner-Up:
a. An Apple Laptop
b. Trophy and Certificate
c. Host of other goodies
For Second Runner-Up:
a. An iPad
b. Trophy and Certificate
c. Host of other goodies
Register Now: