Paper Presentation Competition in VIT from February 23-25, 2018

Paper Presentation Competition in VIT from February 23-25, 2018

The Paper Presentation Event at Synergyโ€™18 aims to provide the best platform to showcase your research ideas in front of an esteemed panel of judges. If you have carried out research works in the electronics & computer-science fields, we would be more than happy to hear your ideas out! Prepare a presentation and unleash the speaker in you to grab exciting prizes! If your idea gets selected, it will be published in the International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET).

This year we are accepting CSE/IT/ECE/EEE/EIE related abstracts.

Participants are requested to mail their abstracts to

Abstracts sent by e-mail must have the subject of the e-mail as: [PP] [Branch][College]

The last date for sending your abstract is 10th of January, 2018.

You will be informed about the selection of your abstract through an e-mail.

The Paper Presentation Competition will be conducted on 23rd and 24th of February, 2018 in VIT University, Vellore.

Any other important detail regarding the venue or the timings of the competition will be conveyed through e-mails.