Log Kya Kahenge

“Log Kya Kahenge?”

“What will people say?”

We hear these phrases every now & then, be it by teenagers, adults, elder people or by kids.

These words have killed more dreams than anything else in this world!

It has stopped many people from pursuing their dreams , being themselves and resulting into diseases and a dissatisfied life.

Isn’t it time to reject this notion? To just for once live a life of our own liking and not make it about what people would think? Shouldn’t we let our sons, daughters, parents, take decisions about their life and to not worry about what society will think? Isn’t it time to write another epic, change the texts, set positive examples?

To try this, we are trying to bring a mental shift starting with Ahmedabad with our next IM Happiness campaign LKK – Log Kya Kahenge.