YODHA – National Level Project Expo in Andhra Pradesh on February 4, 2015

YODHA - National Level Project Expo in Andhra Pradesh on February 4, 2015

YODHA 2K15 is a Project Expo organised by: Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, Andhra Pradesh

Event dates: 4th February 2015
Last Dates for Registration: Last date for submission of abstract:10th January 2015
Notification of acceptance:12th January 2015
Conformation mail by the participants:19th January 2015

A National Level Project Expo Organised by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering at Gudlavalleru Engineering College.

It contains two sub events
1. Technical project expo
2. Innovative models
3. Poster presentation

Technical Project Expo:

This event welcomes the participants with good knowledge in presenting working models. The team has to present their project along with a poster which contains the details of the project.

Important Guidelines:
· The team should contain a maximum of 4 members
· The abstract should contain complete details of the project and the registration form should be the first page of the abstract.
· The participants has to bring the complete working model of the project along with the poster
· If your projects get selected for YODHA competition the team should give their conformation mail with in prescribed date.
· If the participants are members of Institution of Engineers (India) (IE) or Institute of Electronics and telecommunication Engineers (IETE), they should compulsory bring their identity cards
· The students should bring their college identity card

Innovative models:

This event mainly designed for the fellow students who have a good innovative ideas where they can represent their idea with a model. This event provides a good platform for the teams with good innovative ideas.

Important Guidelines:

· The team should contain a maximum of 4 members
· The abstract should contain complete details of the project and the registration form should be the first page of the abstract.
· The participants has to bring the model of the idea along with the poster
· If your projects get selected for YODHA competition the team should give their conformation mail with in prescribed date.
· If the participants are members of Institution of Engineers (India) (IE) or Institute of Electronics and telecommunication Engineers (IETE) or IEEE, they should compulsory bring their identity cards
· The students should bring their college identity card

YODHA 2K15 Registration Fees :

IEEE,IE,IETE Memers -400/- Per Team
Others – 500/- Per Team.

Event Co-ordinators:

1)Mr.Ch.Avinash Mounic +918143687759
2)Mr.D.V.N.Surya Harsha +919848323222
3)Mr.Ch.Gowtham Reddy +919652005699
4)Mr.M.Revanth Kumar +918341447314

How to reach Gudlavalleru Engineering College:

To reach Gudlavalleru Engineering College,Here are few points to reach GEC from Vijayawada.
1.From Vijayawada,We have 2 Choices i.e either Roadway or Railway.
2.If u choose Roadway then choose Gudivada buses and from there u can easily reach Gudlavalleru either by Autos or Buses(Auto Charge is Rs.10 and Bus Charge is Rs.7).
3.If u choose Railway,then choose Machilipatnam Passenger Trains in between Vijayawada and Machilipatnam and reach Gudlavalleru Railway Station.

Website URL: http://gecyodha.weebly.com/
Email: yodha.ecegec@gmail.com