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Kloh Beer Games Night in Bengaluru on August 3, 2017

It’s time to get pumped to get sloshed out of your mind in THE most fun way possible! (in a completely safe and responsible environment, of course ).

Come join us for a mini-house party, a party that Bangalore won’t stop talking about. Complete with food, drinks and beer games. (Like we need another reason to drink.)

Starting with a welcome drink, you will never be out of drinks and energy for the entire night. And for the games, everyone will be divided into teams of three. Each game will take you past the boring ‘hi! what’s up?’ conversations and onto finding out more about each other. It’s all highs and lows here, bud. (But mostly highs.)

Plus, there will be lots of prizes to giveaway! Aaaand, let’s all drink to that. *mic drop*

What you get:

– Welcome beer mug

– Four Beer Games

– A whole lot of fun while meeting new people

– Lots of beer to drink and sink

– Prizes to the winners

Check out our Facebook page for more details.

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