FinTech Hackathon – HeroesvsHackers in Mumbai from November 28-29, 2015

FinTech Hackathon - HeroesvsHackers in Mumbai from November 28-29, 2015

Barclays, AceHackers and Zone Startups India welcome you to join us and reshape future of how Financial Transactions are Done.

About the Fintech Challenge:

Three worlds under threat, need you, to come to their rescue. Heroes or Hackers – who’s side will you take to save the day? Join us in a 36-hour hackathon that brings developers together to supercharge financial services in BSE, Mumbai, India.

You may choose one of two factions. Join the Heroes or Hackers. Your team will then be able to compete on one of three worlds for massive prizes. Each world will have one Champion.

Here’s a glimpse of the fintech challenges at #heroesvshackers:

World 1: War for Mobile Money

The War for Mobile Money has broken out. Consumers are confined to archaic payment solutions that are expensive, restrictive and provide limited value and incentives back to the consumer in their day-to-day spending.

World 2: The Merchant Minefields

The World of Merchants has declared a state of confusion. Merchants continue to be bombarded with different payment options for their mobile applications which is time consuming and detracts their focus from consumer experience.

World 3: The Identity Crisis

Every banking customer has itโ€™s own unique identity and itโ€™s very critical for the banking world. The customer identity is on a way to digital liberalisation but part of it is still trapped in the physical world. The banking world has declared a war to end the inefficiencies of paperwork and physical identification.

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