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Hack-a-BIT 2019 – Hackathon at BIT Mesra

Hack-a-BIT 2019 – Hackathon at BIT Mesra

It’s time to take your knack for the hack, and put it to good use. With participation from colleges across the nation and developers agnostic to languages and frameworks, you’ll not only be brainstroming, but also witnessing a plethora of cool ideas. To add to the experience, we have several workshops and guest lectures being taken up by the industry experts.

The hack is only a small part of the competition. The real spirit lies in building your network in the growing tech community and collaborating with some of the finest minds of the nation. Just remember, taking the Hackathons too seriously defeats the purpose. Save the seriousness for pitching to investors. Hackathons are supposed to be exciting and worthwhile. Keeping an open mind will open new doors, help build new relationships and acquire new skills.

This is the cornerstone of East India’s largest hackathon. This is HACK-A-BIT.

If you’re contemplating judging, volunteering, or mentoring, shoot us an email at If your company is interested in becoming a sponsor, check out the sponsorship section below.

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