Hack India – Hackathon in Bangalore from July 18-19, 2015

Hack India - Hackathon in Bangalore from July 18-19, 2015

HackIndia is India’s largest hackathon, bringing together makers, designers, hackers, creators, and doers, from across the country.

You may attend HackIndia to learn new things, try out technologies you haven’t used before, meet amazing people, and build something that pushes the limits of technology by using software, hardware, or both.

Everyone is welcome to apply and attend HackIndia! You may be a High Schooler or a College Student, a Computer Scientist or an Artist, a Doctor or a Lawyer, anyone and everyone can attend HackIndia. If you’re under 18, we’ll need a parental consent form.

You may build whatever you like! In case you can’t think of anything, we’ll provide you with problem statements on the day of the hackathon – which you can use to kickstart your creativity. You can even come talk to any of us, or the mentors to get some ideas. You may create using software, hardware, or both.

Remember, it’s your hackathon, build whatever makes you happy — whether it’s something marketable or just something cool that you’ve always wanted to build.

Email: contact@hackindia.io
Website URL: https://hackindia.io/