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Hyderabad City Police Hackathon 2020

Hyderabad City Police Hackathon 2020

The first-ever Hyderabad City Police Hackathon is being organized by the Hyderabad Police in collaboration with IIIT- Hyderabad, IIT- Hyderabad, JNTU- Hyderabad as Knowledge Partners and with Government of Telangana Innovation ecosystem through WE Hub as an implementing partner.

Why a Police Hackathon?
The goal of the hackathon is to incorporate new technologies into policing. The police force needs to keep pace with changing times and incorporate more technology into making policing transparent, predictive and more important cities and states safer of the citizen.

Gov 2.0 is the next generation of government which is public service renewal where government becomes more efficient, responsive, and open to citizens. It is a paradigm shift, and, with citizen engagement, it is a societal transformation that includes citizens in governmental deliberation and decision making. The sharing of public data and encouraging citizens to explore what is available is vital to this initiative. Government entities across the world starting from the National to state and local agencies are focusing on promoting transparency, finding new and better ways to collaborate and participate with the public through the use of technologies like social media, citizen-centric websites and mobile applications.

The Hyderabad City Police has been and is always a Tech-Savvy force that has been at the forefront of using technologically-enabled solutions to policing issues in its bid to serve the policing needs of the citizens. As part of its proactive approach, the Hyderabad City Police is taking steps towards integrating innovative solutions in the below-mentioned areas which can be provided by Startups & Students through a Hackathon.

What do Startups get from Hackathon?
Get an opportunity to connect with the police and also scale up your prototype through state led incubators:We-Hub ,T-Hub,T-Works.One winner from Startup category along with the top 10 ideas will be mentored and scaled up for 6 months by the technical partners: IIT-H, IIIT-H and JNTU-H,in collaboration with WE HubReceive mentoring from Hyderabad City Police to refine the product for better use.Access to real-time data for solving problems.A 6 months Mentorship Program for StartupsSet or Provide the best & most purposeful Hackathon EcosystemScale up your ideas with our state led incubators: We hub, T-hub, T-Works for a period of 6 months

Be a part of demo day by Hyderabad City Police to win a proof of concept,which can be deployed into the system.

What do Students get from Hackathon?
4 winners from students category along with the top 10 ideas will be mentored and scaled up for 6 months by the technical partners:IIT-H,IIIT-H and JNTU-H,in collaboration with WE-Hub. Be a part of demo day by Hyderabad City Police to win a proof of concept,which can be deployed into the system. Turn your research project into a scalable product.Get an opportunity to connect with the police and also scale up your prototype through state-led incubators: We Hub , T-Hub, T-Works.A platform for people who share common passion towards contributing a new product into the society

Problem Statements:
Cyber Crimes: Image or video processing & Forensic verification tools, Online job portals, Fake duplicate tools in the app store, verify particular credentials in website and portals, Sanitization of Search Portals, (Fake links)-Google searching mechanism, Tracking Offensive Tools.
Crimes against Women and Children: Installation in trafficking, Late night security, Workforce harassment, Dark and deep networks, Child pornography,GPS enabled systems-hotspots which help in tracking eve-teasing, to initiate surveillance of social media and internet
Road Safety and awareness: Intelligent parking systems, Footpath Encroachments, Smart Technology to identify Violations by two-wheeler & four-wheeler
Social Media monitoring including tackling fake news: Tackling fake news, CCTV data slicing

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