Way2Hack Appathon in Hyderabad from June 20-21, 2015

Way2Hack Appathon in Hyderabad from June 20-21, 2015

Itโ€™s an OPEN event. But a free REGISTRATION is mandatory. Hurry up, go through the guidelines and process flow mentioned below to stand a chance of winning amazing prizes and even better opportunities. Here is what you have to do:

Prepare an abstract of what you are planning to build and it should include a summary of the
Product/App as well with the technical skills you are using to give it life
Submit Your Idea. Once we receive it, our Expert team will sit together and shortlist
If shortlisted, youโ€™ll get an Invitation & accordingly you have to be here for the Appathon. This could be your chance to get a firsthand exposure to the industry and get to learn from some amazing developers. Working as a team is essential to complete any project and that is one of the key takeaways of this event

Challenge yourself, challenge others, go through the grime and emerge victorious. When battles are fought, foes fall and friends are made. Here is your chance to make some.

Website URL: http://way2hack.co/
Registrations: https://docs.google.com/a/way2online.net/forms/d/1EmVBslp6HOQXUTQ1qZFdOi12U9-Injo4dYmxG61HA_I/viewform?c=0&w=1%E2%80%8B