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Summer Internship Programme for Graduates and Post Graduates by Hindustan Uniliver Limited

Summer Internship Programme for Graduates and Post Graduates by Hindustan Uniliver Limited

The process will identify if you have the potential to become one of our future leaders, whilst helping you decide if Hindustan Unilever Limited is the right organisation for you.

Hindustan Unilever is committed to providing an environment for the personal and professional growth of young entrepreneurs. The HUL Professional Internship Programme is designed to expose you to the vibrancy of a complex business environment, to challenge you intellectually and to encourage you to question the givens.

Summer Internship Programme for Graduates and Post Graduates by Hindustan Uniliver Limited
We offer internship for all functions (Sales & Marketing, Finance/ Supply Chain, Systems, HR, Technical, Legal etc). Our summers experience is designed to build “business perspective”. Interns generally work as a part of a small cross-functional team, on a live, challenging, “business” project. The project provides the interns a thorough and holistic understanding of Business and its various functional aspects. Various systems and process are in place to ensure that the learning you get is unmatched and the experience unforgettable.

The HUL Professional Internship Programme gives you a unique opportunity to integrate your classroom learning with the realities of real Business. Real Business is after all pure adrenaline.

Apply Here:

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