Revelation 2015 – Management Fest in SIBM, Bangalore from January 20-22, 2015
Revelation – Victor Ludorum, as etymology describes, is to bare, to unearth, or simply put, is to discover the true victor capable of building a legacy of successful personalities, establishing a solid foundation for posterity. In a world of warriors, there are rifts. There are Victors, there are Defeatists. There are those who come to climb the hill and those who aspire to reach the sky. Just by winning one doesn’t get to be the real winner, It’s all about being the “Winner of all “- The Victor Ludorum. If one believes in oneself, is dedicated and has a never-quit attitude, one will be a winner.
A highlight to this year’s fest will be the Campus Princess auditions which are set to take place on 21st January, 2015. The Miss India Organization in association with SIBM-B will be conducting this audition at SIBM Bengaluru where Miss Supranational 2014 – Ms. Asha Bhat will be the judge. The 25 finalists will move on to the final round of the Miss India auditions.
The price of victory is high but so are the rewards. This year Revelation will encompass cultural events – fashion, dance, drama, battle of bands and sports. It is a platform to escape the daily mundane routine and rigor of academic life and showcase talents in the cultural arena. Last year’s footfall saw more than 800 students participate from various colleges like IIM-B, Christ Main campus, Christ Kengeri, SDM-IMD Mysore, Joseph, Jain College, IBMR, NMIMS, Wellingkar, SIMSREE, Vanguard, LIBA Chennai, IFIM, IBS, and XIME.
The Extra-Curricular Committee of the institute is organizing the same. Revelation 2015 aims to provide a platform for the students to showcase their management and cultural proficiency and put to test their skills. It is an event where fun meets intelligence, and that is sure to give participants real life lessons on management. The theme for the fest this year is “Victor Ludorum: Winner of all games”.
Pranav PT – 09740726398
Devika Ahuja – 9916200058
Amritha Gaddam – 9902104674
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