Learn Ionic Framework โ€“ Mobile Dev Month in Hyderabad on March 19, 2017

Learn Ionic Framework - Mobile Dev Month in Hyderabad on March 19, 2017

Mobile Dev Month is a series of four meetups that explores building mobile apps in Android, iOS, Ionic Framework and React Native.

In this meetup, weโ€™ll introduce you to the Ionic Framework, and walk you through building a simple to-do app. Following that, weโ€™ll have a break for lunch where you can network with other developers.

From 2 pm โ€“ 6 pm, weโ€™ll have an open house pair programming session, where you can collaborate with others to build something with Ionic, or go through some learning resources together.

Important Note :
โ€“ You need to be familiar with AngularJS.
โ€“ Laptops are mandatory, charging ports will be available.
โ€“ This meetup is free of cost.

If you have any other questions, post them in the discussion section.