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Good Comedy Show

Good Comedy Show

You are invited to the premiere of a Good Comedy Show. Not one, not two but three of the best comics (that’s what they say) from Comicstaan are here to tickle your funny bone. Shreeja Chaturvedi known for her straight face and animated hands will bowl you over with her sharp wit and slow delivery.

Saurav Mehta used to always be the funny guy in the office. Even during presentations in the office, the humour element would come in. Things just followed on their own from his journey from corporate to comedy. If he was a maths equation, he’d be a multiple of comedy and cricket.

Sumit Sourav aka ‘Comedy ka Noor from Jamshedpur’. His unusual take on usual things of daily life leaves the audience in splits.

Rules of the show:

This show is on Zoom. Please download the Zoom Web Meetings app and register.
The show begins at around 9 pm. Please make sure you’re ready by around 8:50 pm and join the zoom call. Also, make sure you’re in a good room with internet and silence around.
Please wear headphones. The comics would like to hear you laugh but wouldn’t want to hear his own voice echoing off your laptop/ phone.
Please do not record any of this! This is a ton of hard work and effort going into making you guys laugh during these tough times and we’d appreciate it if you respect the artist and craft by not recording.
Laugh loud and enjoy! You’re part of something special!

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