Pubg Mobile Tornament(Solo And Squad)
Succession of previous tournament offering a fair opportunity to earn Rs. 8LAKHS
PRIZES offered :-
1st prize- INR 80,000
2nd prize- INR 50,000
3rd prize- INR 20,000
4th & 5th prize- INR 10,000
6th – 15th prize- INR 5000
16th – 25th prize- INR 3000
26th – 50th prize- INR 2500
51st – 100th prize- INR 2000
1st prize- INR 6,000
2nd prize- INR 4,000
3rd prize- INR 3,000
4th & 5th prize- INR 1000
6th – 15th prize- INR 800
16th – 25th prize- INR 500
26th – 50th prize- INR 300
51st – 100th prize- INR 180
1st prize- INR 1,00,000
2nd prize- INR 50,000
3rd prize- INR 30,000
4th & 5th prize- INR 20,000
6th -10th prize- INR 10,000
11th-20th prize- INR 5,000
21st-25th prize- INR 2,500
For any further queries Contact us on 7325949538