TC Masterclass: Finding Funny – The Art of Stand-Up with Amit Tandon

As stand up comedy makes its mark as a viable career option, lots of young people are in need of answering basic questions of how they can move into the field of comedy without having to answer the question “How will you make money?”

This masterclass answers FAQs on how one goes about becoming a comic.

What is The Coalition?

The Coalition (Digital) is a festival of creativity for entrepreneurs, artists, innovators, students, experts and anyone who wishes to start a career in the creative industry. TC:D enables collaborations between the creative community, innovates with them and fuels the next wave of creative ventures.

Over the years, TC has established a network that joins the dots between key stakeholders in the creative community. It is now an exhaustive learning program on your screens that enables upskilling across design, comedy, journalism, content creation, art, fashion, film, gaming & more.

Who is The Coalition for?

  • Those who want to stay at home and learn.

  • Take up creative courses and interactive workshops by experienced professionals to enhance their skill set.

  • Entrepreneurs with a vision wanting to turn it into a viable business.

  • Mid-level entrepreneurs, start-ups, experts, industry professionals, students or anyone willing to learn, collaborate and network.

Connect, learn and get inspired through your screens.

Book your tickets now!