Aristocrat Marathon in Chennai
Categories: 42KM, 21KM, 10KM, 5KM and 2KM run
Venue: Olcott Memorial School, Besant Nagar, Chennai
The 2019 Aristocrat Marathon is a unique Marathon with one firm goal towards one bright future for the HIV infected children?s life and education. HIV stigma still remains a reality and the medications are expensive despite the support from the government. Certain schools in India prohibit these children from attending the school in spite of the law that are in favor of them.
The children become victims through the perinatal transmission, however it could be prevented. These children are victimized and abandoned by their families. Most of the abondoned children are dragged into the darkness of life and end up sold in prostitution or hitchhiking. Due to the efforts of few good hearts, they are provided basic needs. The terminal class of HIV+ estimated life expectancy is 9 to 12 years. Still, childrenโs dreams have no limits. The supporting drugs, medication and education would add colors to their lives.
According to UNICEF, 220,000 children are living with HIV in India
The unknown fact is that a person diagnosed with HIV at an early stage,undergoing right treatment, is likely to live longer than anticipated, just like any normal healthy person.
The challenge remains in providing education and medical needs for these children and not all communities are benefiting.
Why should you definitely join this mission?
You can pass down to your children, the roots of responsibility and wings of independence. Children are like uncut diamonds and pure souls. Most of them are abandoned without their knowledge and reason. Some even lose the hope of humanity. Itโs our responsibility to restore the hope and give colors to their dreams. We can achieve it by joining hands with each other and spread the word of the need to everyone.
Creating HIV awareness is too common. Despite that, changes are required within us to support such children?s life.
Now is the time.., One motive to stand up together for this noble cause!
Please select the category to run in support of the cause. We hope to see you at the event venue!
3:00 am ? Assembling time (Registration and bag check opens)
Start Time 42KM ? 3:30 am โ Rs.950/- + Optional Timing Chip (Rs.250/- additional)
Start Time 21KM ? 4:30 am โ Rs.900/- + Optional Timing Chip (Rs.250/- additional)
Start Time 10KM ? 5:30 am โ Rs.850/- + Optional Timing Chip (Rs.250/- additional)
Start Time 5KM ? 6:30 am โ Rs.800/- + Optional Timing Chip (Rs.250/- additional)
Start Time 2KM ? 7:00 am โ Rs.750/-
Marathon T-shirt
Participation Certificates
Cash Prizes / Rewards for winners!
Pre-event, Event and Post-event entertainment
All ages are welcome
For more information about ?Aristocrat Marathon Chennai March 2019? or for registration help, please email to