Sab Scam Hai – Standup comedy by Gaurav Kapoor
“Sab Scam Hai” is a stand-up show by Gaurav Kapoor where he tries to find scam in all the happy and nostalgic things in life. The show is a mix of observational humour and storytelling where he talks about festivals, 90s, food, hygiene and yes, multiple other things, that he can think and you imagine his plight.
Important Notes:
Please don’t move the chairs from their positions. The organizers have set the seating arrangement as per the social distancing norms of the GOI.
The Audience needs to wear the mask at all times when inside the Club premises.
Hand Sanitazition is mandatory before entering the club, in which you will be assisted at the entry point.
A mandatory temperature check will be done before you enter the premises.
Anyone found with symptoms like fever, cough or cold will be denied entry and it is non-negotiable.
Please reach the Venue 30 mins before the show time to avoid crowding at the entry point and at the box office.
We have limited parking, please get a Cab to arrive at the venue, to the maximum extent possible.
We solicit your co-operation to help us make this a top class safe place for all to enjoy.