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4th Digital India Summit & Awards on May 18, 2018

4th Digital India Summit & Awards on May 18, 2018

Towards the completion of 3rd year for Digital India flagship Programme, Government of India has proposed various new technology measures such as use of blockchain technology to encourage digital payments and curb the use of cryptocurrencies, setting up of a national programme to encourage AI and providing easy internet access to villages, internet in schools, last mile connectivity, Smart Cities and MyGov.

Besides this, the state government have also come up with various new innovative ideas like Chief Minister’s Dashboard, echallan, digital healthcare, mobile applications for health workers, digital payments & technology in schools.

In the financial year 2018-19, Government of India proposed a slew of measures to hasten India’s movement to a digital economy. As many as 250,000 villages got optical fibre connectivity under Bharat Net program, wherein 100,000 gram panchayats have been connected with high-speed optic fibre network in the first phase of BharatNet, said Jaitley, Government plans work towards connecting another 150,000 villages under Bharat Net initiative.

BW Businessworld is organising Digital India Summit & Awards 2018 in May 2018 in New Delhi. The Summit will comprise of three components vis-à-vis Conference, Expo & Awards.

Who is attending?

Key stakeholders of MIETY, GoI
Key stakeholders of Ministry of Urban & Rural Development, GoI
Key stakeholders of Ministry of Home Affairs, GoI
Key stakeholders of Ministry of Finance, GoI
Key stakeholders of State Departments of IT
Key stakeholders of State Departments of Urban & Rural Development
Key stakeholders of State Departments of Health
Key stakeholders of State Departments of Home Affairs
Municipal Commissioners of Cities & CEO SPVs of Smart Cities

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