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CII Startupreneurs 2015 – Expo for Startups in Chennai on February 28, 2016

CII is excited to work with you to raise the profile of our community Startups bring vibrancy to our economy, create jobs and every startup is a hero working for the country.

CII would like to help startups take the next step in their business and Startupreneurs Expo is targeted at being the largest celebration of the entrepreneurial spirit in Tamil Nadu.

CII’s members are coming together to welcome you to a long and prosperous innings in enterprise. We would like to offer our knowledge, perhaps buy or use what your are offering and maybe help you find the funds that might speedup your growth.

Why CII Startupreneurs

A small break is all the difference between great success and oblivion. By providing a mega platform for Startups to assemble together with all the other spokes of enterprise in the State, from government agencies to financial institutions to businesses who can be your clients, Startupreneurs might provide just that spark you need to step up your game a level.

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