15 startups will be selected out of all the applications received. These 15 startups will go through a rigorous mentoring process for one day by Industry experts from Design (UI/UX), Sales/Marketing, Technology Infrastructure, Product Management and Fundraising.
All the startups will get a special one to one session on how to pitch in front of investors from communication experts.
On the next day, selected startups will pitch in front of a jury of lead angels, investors, accelerator heads and industry veterans.
Startups that are less than 1 year old can apply
Startups that have not raised any form of external funding are eligible to apply
Startups that are applying should be looking for seed/angel rounds or getting into an accelerator
Please apply for the event of your city or to the city nearest to you only
Attendees should be of maximum 3 people from the founding team
selection process
All applications from startups will be curated by the Inc42 team
Selected startups will be notified 4 days before StartupPulse
Please apply for the event of your city or to the city nearest to you only
Multiple applications from the same startup will be counted as 1 only
Bring your own devices that you may need for your product
Apply Now: http://4-2.co/startuppulse
Website URL: http://startuppulse.in/?utm_source=fests.info&utm_medium=PartnerWebsite&utm_campaign=WebsiteListing