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TLabs’ Startup Lounge in Bangalore on December 14, 2014

TLabs' Startup Lounge in Bangalore on December 14, 2014

Weekend Ventures in partnership with TLabs presents Startup Lounge for early stage startups!

Startup Lounge is an event focused on interviews of 6 early stage startups by a prominent accelerator in the country. During interviews, the accelerator will touch base very few but most important aspects of each startup, which may include – not just the immediate problems, but bigger vision, product roadmap, what customers want & what to build first etc.

We encourage startups to apply & attend! Out of the applied startups, six shortlisted startups will be announced during the event and will join TLabs on stage. Each startup will get 10 minutes on stage, enough for essentials questions with meaningful feedback from TLabs.

The event is free & open to all to attend. Last to apply to join Startup Lounge in Bangalore is Dec. 12

Why apply?

You can apply to Startup Lounge as a Startup or as an Audience. As a startup, there is a possibility that TLabs may get impressed & make an incubation offer!

As an audience, it’s a perfect opportunity to learn about TLabs, get to know the possible questions asked by accelerators & interact with TLabs team.

Agenda – Sunday, Dec 14, 2014

02.00pm-02.15pm: Check-In & opening remarks by organizers

02.15pm-02.30pm: Introduction to TLabs’ accelerator program

02.30pm-02.45pm: Announcing the 6 shortlisted startups for interviews

02.45pm-04.00pm: Interviews

04.00pm-04.30pm: Open Q&A with TLabs

04.30pm-05.00pm: Startup Lounge wraps up with Networking Coffee

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