ATMOS 2013 โ€“ Techno-Management Festival of BITS Hyderabad from October 11-13, 2013

ATMOS 2013 โ€“ Techno-Management Festival of BITS Hyderabad from October 11-13, 2013


BITS, Pilani โ€“ Hyderabad Campus
Jawahar Nagar,
Shameerpet Mandal,
Hyderabad, 500078, Andhra Pradesh.

Start Date: 13th October, 2013
End Date: 13th October, 2013
Last Dates for Registration: 10th Oct 2013

BITS Pilani Hyderabad presents to you its second edition of ATMOS, an exclusive national techno-management festival. Year after year, we keep pushing our limits, striving for more. ATMOSโ€™13 is the result of an outrageous response to its maiden edition, ATMOSโ€™12, that established a culture of having an independent national annual technical festival on this campus. This idea earlier evolved from a successful techno-cultural techno-cultural festival, Pearlโ€™12 we had In February 2012.

ATMOS 2013 - Techno-Management Festival of BITS Hyderabad from October 11-13, 2013

Embracing the fact that change is the only constant, we are all geared up to surprise the world again with what we have to offer. At ATMOS, we promise to incorporate every possible aspect that helps us provide a comprehensive learning experience, with a conscious, coordinated and planned effort of a marvellous conglomeration of all branches of engineering and all fields of science. On one hand, the guest lectures and technical workshops are oriented to create an atmosphere to enjoy and understand the solid foundations and growth of technology in the contemporary world, on the other hand, there are events and competitions in every possible branch of science and management that challenge some of the best minds across the country to prove of their technical expertise and competitive spirit.


Windows App Fest by Microsoft, Robo Wars, Hack the Box, Ideathon, Mini Gp, Ground Reality, BITSMUN, Enigma the quiz, Canon Wars, Urbanismo, Circuit ART, Line Follower, The third eye, Physics Quiz, The Prodigal Designer, Junkyard wars, Chemoformation, Mathefia , nCrypton, Hidden Engg, Algomaniac, Pi Hackathon, Codewars, Chemlive, Managerโ€™s Dilemma, Open Outcry, AD o Mania, Trading Brains and many more.


Chandu Reddy โ€“ +91-9666828389 โ€“

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