Infinity 2k15 โ€“ Technical Symposium in Osmania University from March 6-7, 2015

Infinity 2k15 - Technical Symposium in Osmania University from March 6-7, 2015

Infinity 2k15 shows an outlook of the versatile current day technologies through various paper and project presentations. Challenges such as debugging and code replication assist in perfecting the cognition of the students. Umpteen events like techmaze, quizzez are conducted to appeal to the fun-spirited participants.

This project is a collaboration between
Confluence of industry and Academia is achieved through valuable exper talks and workshops! Infinity 2k15 brings to you a rich variety of exciting and unique events spread across different genres which promise to enthrall you. Get set to unleash the fire within because we bring you the biggest and best technical fest EVER !

Fervor for technology, quest for knowledge, and dominance over the world of science โ€“ this is one of the greatest National Level Technical Symposia, Infinity 2k15. With exquisite expertise and experience of a decade, our Department presents its annual technical symposium, the INFINITY 2k15, once again to prove that infinity is not just a concept of the boundless but it exists in terms of innovation, collaboration and ingenuity.


Paper Presentation
Poster Presentation
Project Presentation
PC Medico
Reverse Coding
Crypted Wisdom
Movie Making


N Raghuveer โ€“ 9505902133
Sai Vulchi โ€“ 8897701239
M Pooja โ€“ 8688258557
N R Laxmi Divya โ€“ 9491055373
T Vihari โ€“ 8125497296

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