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Interface T13 – Tech Fest, Conference & Workshops in Coimbatore on January 24-25, 2013

Interface T13 – Tech Fest, Conference & Workshops in Coimbatore on January 24-25, 2013

Venue :

Coimbatore Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Start Date : January 24th, 2012
End Date : January 25th, 2012

Last Dates for Registration: January 20,2013

Interface T13 Is The National Level Technical Symposium Jointly Organized By The Department Of Information Technology.It Provides The Highly Skilled Engineering Students An Arena To Showcase Their Talents To Prove Themselves Different From The Rest Of The Crowd. Year After Year, Interface Attracts College Students Of Prestigious Institutions All Over The Country.

Interface T13 - Tech Fest, Conference & Workshops in Coimbatore on January 24-25, 2013

Technical Events :

1. Tester
2. hello c for C
3. Operation Ritchie
4. Innovative presentment
5. Data architect
6. µ-personality
7. It’s you domain
8. Code breakers
9. Y should I hire u?

Non-Technical Events :

1. Bull’s eye
2. Up2date
3. Talkative
4. Game over !?
5. Reveal yourself
6. Geo imager
7. Doodle it out
8. Roll camera action
9. Adobe’s student

Organizers :

Veeraraghavan.A.R – +91-8508950961
Karthik Vignesh.S – +91-9787344184

Registration Page :
Facebook Page :

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