KAGADA is our Annual National Level Technical Student Conference which has the tracks Paper and Poster Presentation along with Project Exhibitions. We, at IEEE UVCE, fervently believe that the cause of furthering technical knowledge cannot be achieved in the classroom alone. KAGADA, which was awarded the Darrel Chong Platinum Level Student Activity Award in 2019, aims to break the barriers, limitations and image of being a student by encouraging the contestants to pursue research at the Undergraduate level. KAGADA provides a conducive platform for vivacious students to sharpen their technical intellect, presentation skills and exchange ideas and learn from one another and ultimately become better engineers in the process. Ottige Kaliyona, an initiative where we teach government school students how to utilize technology and improve social skills and Food for Cause, a project that resembles a food stall and donates the proceeds from sales there to an orphanage, are both carried out as a part of KAGADA. Paper presentations will be held online this year in order to encourage greater participation from various colleges and to give them the finest platform for expressing their views.