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Quest 2016 – Technical Fest in JNTU Hyderabad from March 18-19, 2016

Quest 2016 - Technical Fest in JNTU Hyderabad from March 18-19, 2016

QUEST is an annual technical fest, proudly presented by the Computer Science department of JNTUH. With this two day long event, we bring to you a conglomerate of unique ideas, innovative skill and unlimited fun. A National Level Technical Colloquium, Quest includes technical contests like tecnical events, workshops and cultural shows. From challenging the coder in you at coding events to bringing out the scholar in you at Paper presentations, the events are designed to tech-tain young minds. Be a part of Quest and experience the ardour, for this is an event that truly justifies its name. And this time, its going to be the best ever.

Quest’s mission is to organize the world’s most advanced tehnology and make it universally reachable and useful. QUEST is an annual technical fest, proudly presented by the Computer Science department of JNTUH. Ever since its inception, Quest has made a name for itself as an avant-garde technical festival, showcasing innovations in the fields of science and technology. With this two day long event, we bring to you a conglomerate of unique ideas, competent skill and unlimited fun. Through its plethora of competitions, lectures and workshops, Quest strives to ignite the minds of the students visiting the festival. From challenging the coder in you at (coding event name) to bringing out the scholar in you at Paper presentations, the events are designed to tech-tain young minds. We, the student community at Computer Science Department of JNTUH invite you to celebrate mutual passion and common thirst for knowledge. Meet like minded tech lovers and think beyond normal. Be a part of Quest and experience the ardour, for this is an event that truly justifies its name. And this time, its going to be the best ever.

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