Frustrated about everything happening around you? Sorabh Pant is too. And he has now decided to take the stage to express his thoughts. In a fit of rage, he is going to spout out some ferocious words with intense fire, on everything from Kapil Sharma, Modi, Feminism, Hinduism, Sexism and all things that make him Rant his Pants out. His new solo ‘Rant of the Pant’ presented by Punchliners is one show you want to be at.
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05/12/201705/12/2017Asia/KolkataThe Rant of the Pant in Hyderabad on May 12, 2017Read More: Auditorium, 339, Nawab Pahad Hill Road, Adarsh Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500063trueMM/DD/YYYY151440use-title