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An Introduction To Nonviolent Communication

An Introduction To Nonviolent Communication

Most of us want to be empathetic and compassionate — and yet there are moments when we feel stuck or unable to be understanding to ourselves and others. Nonviolent Communication offers a framework that operates on two levels — on the skill level and the consciousness level — to support us in understanding ourselves and others, be more connected and empathetic even in difficult circumstances.

This program will be interactive and experiential.

Module 1: An introduction to Nonviolent Communication (3 hours)

Module 2: The framework in action (3 hours)

About the Facilitator:

Ranjitha Jeurkar began her career as a journalist and has worked for several years in the media and communications industry. But it was when she attended her first few NVC workshops that she realized that the ways in which she had learnt to communicate were not the most effective!

Learning NVC, she began to unlearn so many ideas and habits, a process that continues until today.

Today, as a certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication, she shares NVC with individuals, groups and organisations.

Ranjitha enjoys working with teachers to support them in making their classrooms more compassionate and inclusive. She dreams of a day when there is a generation that doesn’t have to unlearn habitual ways of communication, and is able to stay in touch with themselves.

When: 3-6 pm on Aug 29 and Sept 5 2020 (Two consecutive saturdays)

Where: Zoom

Fee: This program is being offered on a sliding scale with 3 options

Rs 1500/ Rs 2000/ Rs 2500

Please note that the workshop is worth a lot more than 2000 rs but due to these pandemic, we are offering a sliding scale so that it reaches more people. If you can afford to pay 2500, Pl pay the same 🙂

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