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Basic DSLR Photography Workshop in New Delhi from November 30 – December 1, 2013


Lajpat Nagar – II,
New Delhi,

Start Date: November 30, 2013
End Date: December 1, 2013
Event Time: 10:30 AM – 01:30 PM

Crack the secret of different modes, Know the codes for better exposure, and un-complicate Digital Photography. We believe, the fine art of photography can’t be taught. Since we can’t give “the eye” to our students we simply try and introduce them to techniques and the “science of imaging.”

Basic DSLR Photogrpahy Workshop in New Delhi from November 30 - December 1, 2013

To learn about :

Future Forward, a retail chain for premium technology products recently launched its exclusive photography showroom at O-2, Lajpat Nagar 2, and New Delhi.

Currently Future Forward operates through a chain of five stores in Delhi/NCR featuring a range of technological gadgets including laptops, computers, mobile phones, tablets, lifestyle accessories etc., with plans underway for further expansion of stores with an all India presence. All Future Forward outlets are open every day of the week.

Targeting amateurs, hobbyists and professional photographers, Future Forward strives to create a space to rediscover one’s passion for photography, by offering easy access to a wide gamut of leading multi-brand photography equipment, all under one roof. The store also promotes the novel concept of an advanced DSLR Videography Lounge, a state-of-the-art knowledge exchange centre and equipment leasing ‘Try Before you Buy’ service.

Our aim is to take customer interaction and knowledge sharing to an entirely new level whereby photo-enthusiasts not only have access to some of the best brands available, but also have the opportunity to interact with trained in-store consultants before purchasing or leasing camera equipment. To provide the finest customer experience, we offer our clientele photography workshops conducted by experts from the imaging industry.

The photography workshop is our effort to take the classroom to the people.
Our programs are designed with the sole purpose of taking the art of imaging to the masses, be it schools, colleges, corporate houses, private Condo complexes (targeting stay home moms) as well as NGOs across Delhi NCR.

We are working towards promoting a “Photo-culture in the country” and hence the “Orientation to Photography” workshop for people who possess D-SLR cameras (or prosumer cams) but are not familiar with the nuances of digital photography and related equipment. The workshop aims at helping them understand the craft of picture taking. without having to step out of their homes or offices!

We hope that you can embrace this opportunity and give yourself a reason to explore photography as a medium of expression.

Registration Fees: Rs. 200/-
Registration URL:

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