Ethical Hacking โ€“ Two Level Workshop by Sai Satish in Hyderabad on Sept. 13 to Oct. 5, 2013

Ethical Hacking โ€“ Two Level Workshop by Sai Satish in Hyderabad on Sept. 13 to Oct. 5, 2013


Level 1 โ€“ September 13-14, 2013

Krishna Murthy Engineering College,
Edulabad Village,
Ghatkesar Mandal,
Ranga Reddy Dist. โ€“ 501 301

Level 2 โ€“ September 16-17, 2013

Mahatma Gandhi Institute Of Technology,


Finale โ€“ October 4-5, 2013

Sai Satish is a young entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of Indian Servers, administrator of Andhra Hackers. An author of renowned Ethical Hacker and Cyber Security Expert, Mucrosoft Security Researcherm International Cyber Security trainer.

Ethical Hacking - Two Level Workshop by Sai Satish in Hyderabad on Sept. 13 to Oct. 5, 2013

Topics for Level I

Ethical Hacking, Windows Hacking
Windows Cracking
Website Hacking, Backtrack
Metasploit, Malware Analysis

Topics for Level II

Facebook Zero Day Vulnerability with Exploit
Wifi Cracking
Java Exploits
Zero Day Attacks
Servers Hacking
CMS Sites Hacking
OWASP, CSS, Advanced Tools in Kali linux, Beef
5 Cracking Techniques
Android Hacking from Scratch
Hacking Online Web Users

Registration Fees: Rs. 400/-

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