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Insight – The DNA of Success in Coimbatore from November 27-30, 2014

Insight - The DNA of Success in Coimbatore from November 27-30, 2014

INSIGHT: The DNA of Success’ is a four-day business leadership intensive conducted by Isha Leadership Academy that explores the science of scaling up one’s business as well as one’s own self.

INSIGHT’s aim is to enhance one’s ability to ‘see’ – through four days of intense interaction, it offers a rare chance to see through the eyes of successful leaders and experientially learn the DNA of Success

This unique residential program will be held from November 27 – 30, 2014, in the Isha Yoga Center, Coimbatore.

Who should attend?

This program is designed exclusively for highly motivated and committed entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, who are keen to invest substantially in themselves. Founders and promoters of small & medium enterprises, who are ambitious of growing their institutions to global class and scale,

would greatly benefit from this program. So also would senior executives and potential CEOs from both public & private undertakings, who have led significant initiatives within their organizations and are aiming to ‘multiply’ their businesses.

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