Watercolor Galaxy Landscape with Amritanshu

Galaxies and stars look magical and are super easy when made with watercolors. They are really therapeutic and fun to make!

What You Will Learn:
In this fun-filled session, you will learn how to make a very simple landscape with a galaxy starry sky. This one will surely put a smile of satisfaction on your face! 🙂

Materials Needed:
1. Watercolors (cakes or tubes) or Inks (poster colors can also work)
2. Palette (or a plate)
3. Paintbrush (preferably large, round)
4. Watercolor paper or thick card sheet (any size)
5. White acrylic paint (optional)
6. Masking tape (optional)

When:6 Sep 2020 (11 a.m. to 1 p.m.)
Where: Google Meet

About the Artist:
Amritanshu is a self-taught Lettering and Calligraphy artist who loves to experiment with different media and forms of visual art. On the constant lookout for new things to try, he keeps experimenting in different art styles and it reflects in his work. Even so, Lettering and Calligraphy remain closest to his heart.

– This is a LIVE session, not a pre-recorded tutorial
– For the best experience, join the workshop from your laptop/desktop
– Ensure that your internet connectivity is strong
– Log in 15 minutes prior to the workshop. This would help us work out any technical difficulties so we can start the session on time.
– If you are unable to join the session due to technical reasons, please call us on (+91-6363556436)
– This is a closed event. Only registered email ids will be allowed to join the session.

Please note that you will receive the invoice and the link of the session on your registered email id. If you fail to receive the email, you can reach out to us on [email protected] or call us on +91-6363556436 and we will send the invite to you again.