WordCamp Baroda 2014 – Workshop in Gujarat from January 25-26, 2014
The WordPress Team Gujarat is very proud to announce that the coming year we will be bringing the WordCamp to Baroda for the second consecutive time. We want to take this WordCamp to new heights with the help of whole WordPress community in India. However, things are now advancing rapidly and we’ve already finalized our speakers. We do have sponsorship slots open. If you need any assistance, feel free to drop a mail to baroda@wordcamp.org at anytime.
List of speakers :
1. Ankur Agrawal – Blogging isn’t dead but the blogger in you is challenged (Co-founder Pricebaba.com)
2. Prasath Nadarajah – Extending WP with filters and actions (Automattic)
3. Sidharth – Crash course in typography (Instamojo)
4. Amit Agrawal – My experiences with WP security and optimisation (Labnol.org)
5. Sathish Nagarjan – Building large scale web app with WP (WordPress Developer)
6. Samuel Sidler – Contributing to WP (WordPress)
7. Jaydip Parikh – How blogging is influencing e-commerce (Infibeam)
8. Harsh Agrawal – Making SEO works for your WordPress Blog (ShoutMeLoud.com)
9. Siobhan McKeown – Creating Reality: How free software empowers us to control our world (WordPress)
10. Saurabh Shukla – Hooks API for WordPress users and Developers (Automattic)
Registration Fees: Rs. 900/- (approx)
Registration URL: https://em.explara.com/event/wcbaroda14
Website URL: http://2014.baroda.wordcamp.org/
Email: baroda@wordcamp.org