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DevFestW – Exclusive Event for Women Developers by Google Developers Group Hyderabad on March 8-9, 2013

DevFestW – Exclusive Event for Women Developers by Google Developers Group Hyderabad on March 8-9, 2013

Online Event :
Date : March 8, 2013
Time : 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Main Event :

Date : March 9, 2013
Time : 09:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Venue : Google Hyderabad

DevFestW - Exclusive Event for Women Developers by Google Developers Group Hyderabad on March 8-9, 2013

For the First time GDG Hyderabad is collaborating with WOW community of Google. The prime idea is to channelize the entrepreneur skills and technical knowledge in women into a common sphere, where the possibilities of exploring technology and marketing their skills can be accomplished. WOW is a dedicated community for helping women-owned businesses grow their online presence.They help women to promote their organization, and track & optimize their efforts. GDG Hyderabad has always focused on bringing awareness among people about the impact of latest technology and how they not only can use it but also build one on their own. Self sustained entities with a pinch of scientific accomplishments is a key to development of women in society. With this aim, GDG Hyderabad and WOW are conducting its very first event on March 9, 2013 as DevFestW in Hyderabad.

Online Event:

On the occasion of International Women’s Day i.e., March 8, we are launching the online competition at 6:00PM till 9:00PM. The event will consist of series of questions that will be posted online. These questions can range from simple coding queries to analytical puzzles. Selection of the winners will be based on the accuracy and speed and they will be awarded with attractive prizes!

DevFest W is a true portrait of the spirit of celebrating women’s developing and entrepreneur skills. With the natural instinct of interpreting things and bringing their imagination into real world, women have made an impeccable remark in the technological and business world. Today we see women entering the STEM fields in large numbers.

100% FREE Event Exclusive for WOMEN ONLY in HYDERABAD and LAST DATE of Registration is March 4, 2013

Registration URL:
Website URL:
Google+ Page:

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