FutureStack Bangalore

Our FutureStack user conference is coming to Bangalore on Friday September 29th with inspiring customer presentations, exciting product updates, and multiple hands-on workshops.

Come and meet Grok, our industry-first new GenAI assistant and learn about what’s new and what’s next from New Relic with exciting announcements around logs, security, infrastructure, unified APM and the developer toolchain.

You’ll hear customer stories of observability excellence from engineering leaders at Swiggy and get to up-level your observability game with hands-on workshops for both new and advanced users.

So come tap into the expertise of our New Relic engineers while having a little fun to round off the day.


8:30am: Doors open for check-in, swag, demos and breakfast
9:30am: Welcome: Observability priorities in India
9:40am: Convergence: New Relic Security and IAST
10:00am: Customer Presentation: Swiggy
10:20am: Connected: New Relic APM360 and the developer toolchain
10:40am: Customer Presentation: Tokopedia
11:00am: Morning tea
11:30am: Edge: New Relic Next Gen Telemetry
11:50am: Art of Shift-Left Software Development
12:20pm: AI: New Relic Generative AI and Grok
12:45pm: Lunch
1:45pm: Hands-on workshops (choose from two tracks below)
4:30pm: Happy hour!

Workshop Track 1: Applied Problem Solving – Session 1 & 2
Join this workshop and you’ll learn how to solve complex problems in distributed architectures. Participants will have the opportunity to deploy a distributed microservices application architecture, integrate the environment with New Relic, and induce different failure modes. For those up for a challenge, we’ll also demonstrate how to apply New Relic to identify the root cause of problems and quantify the impact of those issues. We’ll also discuss mitigation and detection strategies for each failure scenario.

Workshop Track 2: Session 1 – Unifying Logs with Observability
New Relic provides a faster, easier, and more affordable way to combine logs with observability at scale. This workshop explores various approaches for sending logs and discusses best practices, design considerations, and advanced configuration techniques. These include log obfuscation or removal to handle sensitive attributes and available filters for logs received in New Relic.

Workshop Track 2: Session 2 – Vulnerability Management & Software Remediation
Vulnerability Management is the latest feature added to New Relic’s Observability capabilities to eliminate silos among data, tools, and teams. With this workshop, you can explore New Relic’s native vulnerability signals, such as Software Composition Analysis (SCA) vulnerabilities and third-party security signals, all in one place.