ICRMET 2014 – Conference in Chennai on December 10-11, 2014

ICRMET 2014 - Conference in Chennai on December 10-11, 2014


The International Association of Engineering and Technology for Skill Development was established in 2013 with its headquarters in Delhi, having Registration number : 2958 was formed to provide a platform to the Scientists, Technologists, Academicians and Students to share and discuss the current research work conducted by them individually or in the group to seek the solutions to the emerging problems of the society for better living conditions. The society has the specific philosophy to encourage young scientists in the form of awards. Papers submitted are peer reviewed and published as e-proceedings with ISBN number.


The aim objective of ICRMET, CHENNAI is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to all engineering departments’ topics. This conference provides opportunities for the different areas delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. We hope that the conference results constituted significant contribution to the knowledge in these up to date scientific field. The organizing committee of conference is pleased to invite prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to ICRMET 2014.


• Because IAETSD is registered trust with Tax excemption number HYDE02954A, all the faculty members and industry employees can avail tax benfits for the registration fee paid for attending the conference.
• Students can avail discounts on registration fee and student parents can avail tax excemption if they take invoice with their name.


Conference Proceedings:

All delegates registering with full conference fees will be given a complimentary copy of the Proceedings of the ICRMET , with ISBN Number. Conference proceedings published in

GOOGLE BOOKS – https://play.google.com/store/search?q=IAETSD&c=books
CREATESPACE – https://www.createspace.com
AMAZON KDP – https://kdp.amazon.com/
SMASHWORDS – https://www.smashwords.com/
BOOKBAY – www.bookbay.in
IBOOKAUTHOR – https://www.apple.com/in/ibooks-author/
LULU – www.lulu.com

Publication of Selected Articles in journals:

• International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) (Anna University Journal Annexure – II)
• International Review of Mechanical Engineering (IRME) (Anna University Journal Annexure – II)
• International Journals of Engineering, Science & Mathematics (IJESM)
• International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
• International Journal of Engineering Science & Research Technology
• International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR)
• International Journal of Computer and Communication Technology (IJCCT)
• International Journal of Communication Network and Security (IJCNS)
• International Journal of Computer Science and Informatics (IJCSI)

Conference Advisory Committee: Conference Chairs and Review committee:

Dr. P Paramasivam, NUS, Singapore Dr. Anuragh, Professor IIT Madras
Dr. Ganapathy Kumar, Nanometrics, USA Dr. G Bhuvaneshwari, Professor, IIT, Delhi
Mr. Vikram Subramanian, Oracle Public cloud Dr. Sandesh, Professor, IIT Madras
Dr. Michal Wozniak, Wroclaw University of Technology Dr.G.Uma Kanth, Professor, Anna University
Dr. Saqib Saeed, Bahria University, Dr. S Uma, Professor, Anna niversity
Mr. Elamurugan Vaiyapuri, tarkaSys, California Dr. R Sudha Devi, Professor, Anna University
Mr. N M Bhaskar, Micron Asia, Singapore Dr. M Rama, (IRS)
Dr. Mohammed Yeasin, University of Memphis Dr. N K Vadivel, Anna University
Dr. Ahmed Zohaa, Brunel university Dr. N K Vadivel, Anna University


• Prof.(Dr.) P.S. Rana, Principal-Scientist(Retd.) ICAR, New Delhi
• Prof.(Dr.) J.N. Mandal, Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), BombayWeb: http://www.civil.iitb.ac.in/~cejnm/
• Dr. Fateh Mebarek-Oudina, Skikda University, Algeria
• Er. Milad Janjani Goudarzi, Department of Geology, Payame Noor University of Iran
• Dr. Hakeem Ahmed Othman Ali, Head, Department of Mathematics,University College of Al-Qunfudah Umm Al-Qura University, Alqunfuhah City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
• Dr. Eng. Florian Ion Tiberiu-Petrescu, Senior Lecturer at Bucharest Polytechnic University, Bucharest, Romania, Vice President of ARoTMM (Romanian Association on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Bucharest branch),Member of BOARD of IFToMM (International Federation for promoting the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms),Vice President of SRR (Romanian Society of Robotics, Bucharest branch)
• Dr. Suvardhan Kanchi, Durban University of Technology,Steve Biko Campus, Durban 4000, South Africa


As a global event for the advancement and innovation in learning, industry and technology a wide range of opportunities are available to present research-oriented/industrial papers. Corporate bodies can showcase and market their pro ducts and services. For information about corporate showcases and other corporate activities, please contact the secretariat.


This is an excellent opportunity for scholars to come together from all over the world to share their works, experiences and ideas by presenting paper or by simply observing, and as with all likely events, there will be a number of programs and activities. The Conference attracts a range of environmental scholars, engineers, technologists, scientists, researchers, innovators, teachers, planners, activists, managers, professionals ,students and others. Attendees join together to share ideas, experiences, views and their passion for quality teaching and learning.

If you want to chair a session, organize a panel, evaluate papers to be published in the congress proceeding, books or journals, contribute to the editing or any other offer to assist, please send an email to the secretariat.


Submission Deadline – December 5, 2014
Registration Deadline – December 8, 2014
Conference dates December 10,11, 2014


The Scientific Council of the IAETSD accepts only full-texts (ie abstracts and main text) together as proposals. All proposals must be in English. All proposals must adhere strictly to the instructions for formatting their submissions. Please see guidelines for presentations. All proposals must be accompanied with Proposal form. All submissions are subject to a blind review process.


• The paper should be A4 format. Left, right, top and bottom margins should be 2.00 cm each. English is the official language of the conference.
• Title should be 14-point, all in capital letters, bold and centered.
• Font size throughout the paper should be 12-point in Garamond, in single space, and justified.
• The whole text should be written with “Garamond”.
• Do not give page numbers for the paper
• A blank line should be left after the title. Names of authors, affiliations and e -mails should be provided after the title.
• Following the authors’ information, a 200-word abstract should be provided with five keywords. The “Abstract” should be a summary of the paper.
• Graphics and pictures should be prepared in black and white.
• One blank line should be allowed between the components of the paper (i.e. introduction, methods and procedures, results, conclusion, references.). Main headings should be centered, bold and capitalized. The second level of headings should be title case and bold. The third level should be italicized and upper- and lower-case heading.

All papers should be submitted to iaetsdicrmet@gmail.com


All proposals (in English) are selected on basis of clarity, quality and relevance to the Conference theme and Sub- themes. A blind review process will be used to evaluate all submissions. ICRMET regrets that it cannot select all proposals submitted. It should not be assumed that prior participation in our event guarantees selection for ICRMET 2014. Space is limited.


A sub-committee on Best Paper Awards will consider outstanding presentations for several designated awards. The yardstick is quality, innovation and application. All accepted papers are eligible for consideration. There will be an Award for Outstanding Student Paper. Award winning papers will receive certificates and will be highlighted in future IAETSD events.


All Participants must complete the registration form. Payment of Conference registration should be made in INR in the form of DD or bank transfer. We request that you send us a softcopy of the DD or bank transfer slip and the duely completed registration form by email attachment. Additional information is provided on the registration form. Without the receipt of your completed registration form, Copyright Agreement, it means you are not registered for the Conference.

Graduate Students 800
Post Graduate Students 900
Industry Professional/ Academicians 1000

Note: If the author wishes to publish their research paper in reputed international journal the registration fee in addition to above is mentioned here
Processing charges for your manuscript is Rs 1500/-. And for hard copy of certificate you have to pay Rs 300/Author
Groups of 5 or More Save:
By bringing a team of five or more you will save on your registration. The IAETSD Enterprise Solutions team can register your conference team and provide one invoice for easy payment.


• Entry to all sessions of the Conference
• Conference gift items
• Coffee breaks
• Lunch
• Certificate of Participation
• Membership Certificate
• Conference proceedings
• Invoice / receipt of payment
• Cocktail of the Conference
• Onsite wireless network
• Technical support
• Conference group Photos


The ICAET would remain indebted for sponsorships and donations to support their events. All donations shall be acknowledged. Donors and collaborators will have their names and/or logos placed on the Conference official website. The IAETSD welcomes requests for placing adverts on the event programme, Conference materials, etc. We also invite corporate agencies/individuals or Associations that wish to make exhibitions, trade fair during the events. Adverts and exhibitions may be charged.


For more information or clarification on any aspect of the Conference, please contact
the conference secretariat, (M. Vani, Co-Chair)
International Scientific Committee, email: editor@iaetsd.in


PAPER SUBMISSION EMAIL ID: iaetsdicrmet@gmail.com
FOR QUERIES: iaetsdicrmet@gmail.com

Website URL: http://www.iaetsd.in/icrmet-2014.html