International Conference on Emerging Technology (ICET 2014) in Tamil Nadu on March 3, 2014

International Conference on Emerging Technology (ICET 2014) in Tamil Nadu on March 3, 2014

International Conference on Emerging Technology (ICET 2014) aims to provide most relevant opportunity to bring together students, researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to present their research results and development activities in the fields of Engineering, Science and Management studies. This international conference will provide a forum for presenting and discussing about the new design, ideas, alternative technologies and findings in said fields. The technical program of the conference will include tutorials, regular technical sessions, workshops, special sessions, demos and plenary/keynote speeches.


IJETCSE (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGY IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ELECTRONICS) is a leading International Journal for Researchers to publish their research articles through online open accession. IJETCSE helps to promote the Research articles Computer Science Engineering and Electronics Engineering related fields. The main aim of IJETCSE is to publish the quality and innovative research articles after the peer reviewed.

Call for Papers

Budding Technologists, Scientists, Professionals and Research scholars are all invited to present their unique work, researches and practice as technical papers in the international conference beneath the below mentioned sub themes.
The international conference includes the subsequent scopes for the professionals. The research works within the extent are satisfactory for the appearance in the international conference.


*Cloud Computing
*Data Mining
*Image Processing
*Wired and Wireless Communication Networks
*Web Services
*Distributed Computing โ€” P2P, Grid, Cloud
*Data Storage and Processing
*Mobile Computing

Electronics and Communication Engineering:

*Recent Advances in Signal, Image and Video Processing
*Embedded Systems & Embedded Web Servers
*VLSI Design, Implementation & Application
*Optical and Microwave Communication
*Broadband and Cellular Network
*Evolutionary Computing Applications
*Health Technology
Electrical and Electronics Engineering:
*Industrial Automation
*Renewable Energy Technologies
*Power Electronics & Power Quality
*Power Optimization

Last Date for submitting papers: February 3, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: February 8, 2014
Last of submitting Registration fee: February 15, 2014
Date of Conference: March 3, 2014


Mr. SELVANAYAGAM โ€“ +91-9994746203
Mr. JAYAPRAKASH โ€“ +91-9952649690

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